June 21, 2021-July 23, 2021
$150 per student
*Multi-student household discount available
*Scholarships available

Joy Distance Learning

El programa de enriquecimiento de verano, Enardeciendo: Aprendizaje a distancia para el cambio social, eleva y amplifica las voces de los alumnos para que puedan involucrarse con el mundo y desarrollar destrezas críticas de conocimiento social.

Para más información sobre el programa, lea este Enardeciendo: Aprendizaje a distancia para el cambio social (PDF)

The CGU Summer Enrichment Program, Fired Up: Distance Learning for Social Change, elevates and amplifies student voices so they may engage with the world and become critically conscious and socially aware.

Instruction will address systemic inequities and will challenge 2nd – 10th grade students to critically question, learn and unlearn, radically imagine, and take action to better their communities and the larger world around them.

Classes are co-taught by veteran Mentor Teachers and Teacher Education Candidates working towards a Master’s degree in Education. This team-teaching approach reduces the student-teacher ratio and allows teachers to challenge learners of all abilities in a collaborative, virtual classroom community.

Program Dates and Times: 
June 21st to July 23rd
Monday – Friday (10:00 am to 12:30 pm) | No School July 5th

Elementary 2-5 | Middle School 6-8 | High School 9-10

Learning Experiences:
Students will explore the following topics in age-appropriate ways.

  • Taking Care of the Earth
  • Technology for Social Justice
  • Literacy for Liberation
  • Changing our Communities

For the best experience, we recommend that students commit to the entire 5-week program.

$150 per student
Multi-student household discount available


View the Teacher Feature Profiles (PDF)

Registration Open NOW!
Space is limited!

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View the Fired Up Distance Learning for Social Change CGU 2021 Flyer (PDF)